Indian media, dramas, having a great effect on a normal Pakistani's mind. Not to mention this effect is adverse or good, you certainly understand at the end of the article. A country have its own culture and set of values, the norms & culture are assets, history tells us that super power always impose their culture, language and values on the areas which they had dominated, because a nation is not slave of other nation's military but slave of other nations rules & regulations.
We have made a separate nation "Pakistan" according to Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, "We want to make a separate country, which act as a laboratory, in which we can do freely Islamic practices and made laws according to Islam". Do you think this is actually happening? We had made a country of our own but still we are following the law and order made by the Britain (Govt. of India Act 1935). If this is what we doing then sadly we have not achieved freedom yet, our liberty will only be shown if we are following our own Islamic laws.
Talking of the Indian media, due to the vast cable network and advanced communication systems, it is very easy to get access to Indian channels, the serials and dramas have a very strong effect on the minds of the viewers, the dramas usually cover the story of daily life of Indians and generally presenting their culture, it feels like the public is getting hypnotized. In this situation, will you expect a mother who is an avid Indian channel watcher to teach her child the Pakistani and Islamic values? Well most people had given this job (Islamic teachings) to the Molvi Sahab, who came every evening and make the children learn the Quran and Namaz. Thinking this is enough, but in actual it's nothing they are contributing!
In counter to the Indian dramas, to capture the Pakistani peoples attentions towards Pakistani media, Pakistani channels started dramas, with plot more or less similar with the Indian ones and in this combat they have done the reverse of what they should be doing, flooded publicity caused the people to divert from Indian channel to Pakistani channel but this diversion was unhelpful. First people were watching Indian media, but they know that this is Indian culture this is not ours. Now they are watching Pakistani drama, thinking this is our culture, which is definitely not! Not to mention nowadays, Pakistani dramas feel shame in showing female actors with Scarf (Dupatta).
Kawa Chala Hans Ki Chaal Apni Chaal Bhe Bhool Gaya
A Pakistani society is generally based on Islamic principles; people generally have a thought that whatever they do they will be answerable in front of Allah. Pakistan has its own culture which comprises on Islamic values. Mixing it with some other culture will only bring vanity and propagate a more confused mind set.
We all know very well, traveler of two boats can never reach its destination. The border is more prominent now, the line between the good and the bad will becoming more and more prominent as the time passes. We have to choose either side (the good side or the bad side).
The government should take serious action against this cable system, banning the Indian channels is the only solution. Or else then be ready for the death of our culture.
We all know very well, traveler of two boats can never reach its destination. The border is more prominent now, the line between the good and the bad will becoming more and more prominent as the time passes. We have to choose either side (the good side or the bad side).
The government should take serious action against this cable system, banning the Indian channels is the only solution. Or else then be ready for the death of our culture.
Remember what they say,
Apni Matti Pe Chalnay Ka Saleeqa Sikho
Sang e Mar Mar pe Chalo Gey to Phisal Jao Gey!
Sang e Mar Mar pe Chalo Gey to Phisal Jao Gey!

very nice
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